
Having Fun At Science Center

The last Saturday, went to the Science Center,Singapore with my dear enen,xian and laike.


daladadada, i'm loving it xD

watching 3D movie without spec , quite boring =.=

hatching chicks

the next Obama , hahaha , look at laike's serious emotion xD

Then , we went to Bugis Junction yamcha

a happy day , i love all of my dears  ♥



xoxo, day out with my dear yesterday

watched this movie- Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1 , my dear almost fall in the sleep in the cinema xD

Then having lunch at Sushi King.

After working , we webcaming and playing some games through msn til 6.00 a.m. Then we go to eat breakfast with ah bin , 3 guys are going something wrong cause did not sleep all night . And then , my dear brought me to the mini wharf at Pekan Nanas , i have not go before , it was quite cold ><


I have spent a rich day , just wake up , going lunch ,bye everyone~